• Restored Time-Manager processing (when Virtual Memory is not active). This solves some problems with MacPPP and other applications that can lock drivers at interrupt time.
• The Auto-Status mode introduced with 2.0 can now be forced using a special option in the Client control panel settings. This makes applications that issue _Status calls at interrupt time (MacPPP again) much more reliable.
PortShare Pro 2.5
• Support for virtual memory improved. No more crashes on PowerMacs w/ Virtual Memory on.
• Notifications Alert boxes are automatically dismissed in 1 minute.
PortShare Pro 2.4.1
• A bug that caused crashes on some server computers when a client disconnected is fixed.
PortShare Pro 2.4
• Support for all PowerPC computer is added.
• Support for Apple multi-port cards is added.
PortShare Pro 2.3
• Internal enhancements, several small interface bugs were fixed.
PortShare Pro 2.2
• One-port computers (PowerBook Duo, PowerBook 5xx, etc) are supported: it is possible to create a virtual printer port on those computer, inspite of the fact that the real printer port is absent.
PortShare Pro 2.1
• AV and PowerPC computers are suported. Actually, the built-in serial port drivers on these machines have several bugs, so there are some limitations when using PortShare Pro: a) when a built-in port is redefined, the real port becomes unavailable (though, it's still visible in the CTB port list); b) when a built-in port is shared, some old applications can crash the system if they try to access that port locally, when a network user is connected to the shared built-in port.
• PortShare Pro now detects that the port is processed w/LineShare™ and treats the port as busy when the line is used through one of LineShare subports.
PortShare Pro 2.0
• The Statistics panel was added. It is displayed when you click on the histogram icon. This panel indicates the actual performance of PortShare Pro, the total amount of bytes and packets sent and received, and the number of errors occured. It works both for shared ports (server statistics) and virtual ports (client statistics).
• The delayed disconnect feature is added.
• The connection time limit feature is added.
• The client is informed when the connection is about to be closed.
• The server activity can be indicated with a blinking icon.
• The network protocol was modified to avoid performance degradation when some specific applications are used (several plotter drivers, etc).
PortShare Pro 1.4
• The network protocol was modified to improve reliability. This modification also results in better performance for hi-speed communications.
PortShare Pro 1.3
• The bug in processing the list of AppleTalk zones is fixed (when the number of zones was large, some zones were invisible).
• A check was added to increase stability in low-stack situations.
• Now PS Pro detects removing of the local ports. It can happen when a local port was a virtual port (created with LineShare, for example), and it has been removed.
PortShare Pro 1.2.1
• A minor change has been made in processing of communication ports icons. Some third-party products (like Hurdler mutiport cards software) register ports with garbage data instead of color icon suite handles. It resulted in crashes when PortShare Pro drew those icons. PortShare Pro now checks that the color icon suite handle is correctly allocated.
PortShare Pro 1.2
• PortShare Pro is now compatible with AppleTalk Remote Access. If the ARA installed on your computer, you should also install the PortShareTask background-only application (put it into the Extensions folder).
• Client software was modified to avoid crashes of not-so-robust programs (like Zterm, or Apple printer drivers) when the session with a remote port has been broken.
• Added support for AppleTalk Network Transitions.
• The Status box in the PortSharePro control panel now displays the name of the application or system tool that is using the port.
PortShare Pro 1.1
• Server/client interface was modified to support automatic flow control features of Serial Drivers.
• Buffer allocation procedure was changed, so the performance is improved on high-speed lines.